Subject Re: [firebird-support] Unexplainable CPU load
Author Daniel Rail

At November 25, 2004, 07:03, Uwe Glossmann wrote:

> hello!

> we are currently evaluating migration from interbase 6.5 to firebird.

> for testing purpose FB (superserver 1.5.1) is installed on a windows 2k
> professional host.
> after importing some data the database size is about 500 MB. the import
> has been done in three steps, each step added nearly the same amount of
> data to the database.

> now, after the last import the CPU-load remains at 100%, even after 15
> hours; there is no user connected.

> is there an explanation for this? and, is there a possibility to cause
> FB to free the CPU-load without restarting the FB-process?

Give FB 1.5.2 RC3 a try. There have been some fixes regarding the
100% CPU load. It's possible that those fixes would apply to you.

Best regards,
Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Group Inc. (
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (