Subject Stored Procedures ordering perfomance
Author Adomas Urbanavicius
Hello all,

I ' ve noticed interesting , kind of disapointing ordering feature in
stored proc :
if I have stored proc something like :


for select name,surname from people into :name,:surname do suspend;

and make from it selection :
select * from P_NAMES, in statistics I get reads from table PEOPLE ~
1.00.000, but if I make
selection with ordering
select * from P_NAMES order by NAME,
in statistics I get reads~ 290.000, this means it slows down performance
about 3x!

Same is with much more compilcated procedures, whee I must get output
only about 100 records, but must scan about 2.000.000 records, then
perfomance significantly drops down.

Adomas Urbanavicius
