Subject Customizing IB errors from Delphi
Author xyz80
Hello everyone, I'm in my first steps in FB (v 1.5.1), and using it in an application I'm developing under Delphi 7 Enterprise and using IBX controls to manage the data. (No problems found with the IBX until now - crossing fingers). I wish to customize the server errors to make them more friendly for the final user, in order to that I check the properties SQLError and IBErroCode of the EIBInterbaseError EIBError classes. However I didn't find so much information about the StatusVectorArray vector's element and what they exactly mean, nor in the Delphi's help or FB documentation. (I found out certain code numbers just rasing by myself the errors)

I'd like to know from where I can get some information about this issue (links).
Thanks, xyz80

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