Subject Re: RFC: object descriptions
Author FGM
I like the e) syntax best. It seems more consistent than the other ones:
choose one object and perform something on it. It fits right with an object

a) seems a bit inconsistent with current code
b) feels like mysql with its specific verbs
c) is a bit weird by putting part of the object at the beginning (the type)
and part at the end (the name)
d) would probably be my second choice, although it does not feel consistent
with the rest of the DDL.

This being said, if it is what the SQL2010 is supposed to eventually become,
d) might be a best choice. OTOH, if SQL2010 is not yet very well defined
(which would make sense), using a totally different syntax may make it
simpler to implement the proper syntax when it is actually standardized than
having to cope with a similar but different one: it would probably limit the
syntax ambiguities in the future parser.

For this reason, I'd maintain e).

Just my 0.02...

> Here are the different proposed syntaxes:
> ===
> a) ALTER {DESCRIPTION | COMMENT} FOR <object_type> <object_name> [AS]
> | <text>};
> by Claudio
> b) {DESCRIBE | COMMENT} <object_type> <object_name> [AS] {NULL | <text>};
> by myself
> c) SET <object_type> {DESCRIPTION | COMMENT} FOR <object_name> [TO] {NULL
> <text>};
> d) SET {DESCRIPTION | COMMENT} FOR <object_type> <object_name> [TO] {NULL
> <text>};
> foresee of the SQL2010 spec <g>
> e) ALTER <object_type> <object_name> SET {DESCRIPTION | COMMENT} [AS]
> | <text>};
> ===
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL & MS
> Server.
> Upscene Productions


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 09:47:49 +0000
From: Jacqui Caren <jacqui.caren@...>
Subject: Re: Firebird *PDB*

Paul Beach wrote:
>>There are one FB distro for Windows called FB-PDB. What does "PDB" mean?
>>where could I find more info about PDB? What are the diferences betweem FB
>>distro and FB-PDB distro?

> PDB is a debug build. You don't want it, unless you plan to debug the

I think that perhaps the PDB tag is leading some people to hope that
FB supports either protein or parallel databases :-)




Message: 3
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 07:59:48 -0300
From: "Sebastião Carlos Santos" <scarlosantos@...>
Subject: Hierarchical tree

I have the data in accordance with the structure listed below in a table

SQL> select
CON> id_sys_plataforma,
CON> id_sys_plataforma_pai,
CON> nome_plataforma
CON> from
CON> sys_plataforma
CON> order by
CON> id_sys_plataforma;

================= ===================== ================================

1 1 Microsoft Windows
2 1 Microsoft Windows 9x
3 2 Microsoft Windows 95
4 2 Microsoft Windows 98
5 3 Microsoft Windows 95 SE
6 6 Linux

I need to mount the structure, in accordance with the example

- Microsoft Windows
----- Microsoft Windows 9x
--------- Microsoft Windows 95
------------- Microsoft Windows 95 SE
--------- Microsoft Windows 98
- Linux

I anticipate gratefulness for the aid

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Message: 4
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 21:26:00 +1100
From: Helen Borrie <helebor@...>
Subject: Re: Locking records in stored procs

At 08:48 AM 11/11/2004 +0100, you wrote:

>Thanks. I've tried the FOR UPADTE WITH LOCK and it's perfect. But ¿can
>I do that inside a stored procedure? The FOR UPDATE WITH LOCK gives me
>an error.
You'll have to be a bit more explicit about what you are doing in the SP.



Message: 5
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 12:53:49 +0200
From: "Johan van Zyl" <johan@...>
Subject: ColdFusion & FireBird Problems

Can we solve this?
Connection verification failed for data source: FBEmployee
[]java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available for FBEmployee, please
check the driver setting in resources file, error:
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver available
for FBEmployee, please check the driver setting in resources file, error:

I did it as per
I am not so sure about this setting of mine
Johan van Zyl
JVZ Systems CC
Box 3469
Somerset West
+27 (0)82 875 4238
+27 (0)21 851 7205
Fax 088 021 852 2387

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