Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Bug? My Mistake? gbak metadata generators go haywire
Author Lester Caine
Namit Nathwani wrote:

> = SQLEXEC(lnConnHnd , [SELECT gen_id(GEN_] + STRTRAN(tcBaseTable, "DBO.", "") ;
> + [_IID, 1) AS nNextId from rdb$database])

SELECT CAST( gen_id( ) AS INTEGER ) AS nNextId

VFP is obviously not capable of handling real BIGINT 8byte integers, so
just pass them as 4byte INTEGER. In PHP we have a similar problem, but
the driver switches them to CHAR strings when it has a number that PHP
can't handle as an INTEGER.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services