Subject Re: [firebird-support] Fb1.5 RC7 CS: Pointer page vanished from DPM_next (249);
Author Olivier Mascia

On Wed, 14 Jan 2004 10:54:12 +0100,
Marco Wobben wrote :

> I've tried running RC8 (still CS architecture) and the failure is at the
> exact same point in the gbak procedure with the exact same failure. I'll
> try a different machine in the next few days and make sure it isn't the
> hardware.

Speaking of hardware, does the DB or the overall volume on which it
resides during the test, goes over the ~130 GB ? Could a filesystem or
other OS I/O limitation barrier be hit ?

You're using RedHat, but some Windows versions for instance had known
problems (and available fixes) to overcome a big disk limitation
around 130 GB (combination of some BIOS support and OS support to
overcome the limit).

Just throwing a new idea in the mix...

Anyway, Nicholai seems confident that according to his computations, a
table occupying more than about 70/80 GB of compressed data is the

Best Regards,
Olivier Mascia