Subject Re: [firebird-support] Interbase 6.X vs Firebird on Server 2003
Author Alexandre Benson Smith
At 16:21 08/01/2004 +0000, you wrote:

>I was using Interbase before this on server NT & the client
>Win98. However, i've move to another machine, running on Server 2003
>(but client still remain win98).
>I have this problem, where at first, i can't open the connection
>(problem same as Doug Pomerenke). However I manage to solve this.
>But now, the problem is that the connection takes too long time for
>me to connect (~40 seconds just to open 1 connection). I must solve
>this problem.
>I was told to use Interbase 7.1, however it's not in my planning
>(money matter). Therefore, I would like to know (from anyone)
>whoever has ever use either Interbase 6.X or Firebird running on
>Server 2003 is able to solve the problem (time connection).
>If I were to change to Firebird instead of using Interbase, will i
>be able to solve the problem?
>I would very appreciate whoever can give me some idea or suggestion.
>Thank you.


Did you check for the "Windows System Restore" problem ???

Win XP has in the list of files .GDB since when you touch the file windows
will make a copy for backup. You can disable system restore, or can change
de database name for something like data.fdb.

Take a look at older messages you will find more detailed information.

See you !

Alexandre Benson Smith
THOR Software e Comercial Ltda.
Santo Andre - Sao Paulo - Brazil


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