Subject Re: Guardian Service
Author Anand
** Original Message **
From: Paul Reeves <paul@...>
Subject: Re: Digest Number 1743

On Saturday 20 September 2003 08:37, Anand wrote:
> Thanks for the replies, guys :)
> So in a gist, the Guardian service was supposed to
> take care of the database server restarts etc. in case there
was any
> crash, but since Firebird very rarely crashes it is sort of

Not really. In a production environment (and sometimes even in a
environment) there is no-one around with admin rights to the
server. If
Firebird crashes under such circumstances users would need to
put a request
into the system administrators who could be at lunch, asleep, or
with whatever it is they usually do (bofh?). Whatever it is it
usually isn't
managing Firebird or InterBase. So the guardian is needed for
such a
circumstance. It can instantly restart the server without
needing to bother
Sys Admin.

Win2k and beyond do have a service restart feature built-in and
this could
used to the same effect instead of the guardian. But as we go to
the trouble
of building and maintaining it with the rest of the kit I'd
recommend that
be used in preference to the operating system features.

** original message over **

Very convincing :-D. And I think you are right.

Sorry, Milan, if I gave you the impression that I didn't read
your post. I
just wanted to double-check my conclusions (just so I didn't
make any
mistakes while I was fighting to stay awake at work ;-) )



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