Subject Re: Error 32 shown in Interbase.log
Author Chooi-Ting
--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...>
> At 06:18 AM 17/09/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >--- In, Helen Borrie
> >wrote:
> > > At 10:15 AM 16/09/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> > > >hi,
> > > >
> > > >does anyone has any idea of this error:32 in the
interbase.log ?
> > >
> > > It's not an Interbase error. Usually, Win error 32 is an i/o
> >error - a
> > > program can't access a file.
> > >
> > > heLen
> >
> >The error happen in Sun Sparc 2.8. is it mean the same in Window ?
> >where can I refer to get the error code? Is it from errno.h header
> >file in our system ? if yes, the error is EPIPE = Broken Pipe. why
> >it broken then? and how to avoid it.
> Chooi-Ting,
> This is a platform-specific NOS problem. You may get some help
with it by
> asking on Firebird-devel, attention Neil McCalden. Neil does the
> builds. I don't think he watches the support list.
> heLen

hi Helen,

I can't fine this group firebird-devel. Do you know exactly the group
name. or do you have Neil McCalden's email that I can directly send
my question to ?

rgds, chooi ting