Subject Connection refused - FB 1.0.3 - Win2000 SP3 + ISA SP1
Author Enrico
Hi to all,
in a Win2000 SP3 Server with ISA Server i have installed (15 days
ago) Firebird 1.0.3 Server and all my clients connecting fine (with
TCP/IP protocols).
Today, for solve some other problems, i have installed ISA Server SP1
from Microsoft Web Site, then the results are: other problems are
solved by i can't connect to my FireBird Server from any Workstation.
I haven't change any configuration only installed ISA SP1.
Some other test are:
- if i try to connect to my FireBird with NetBeui all work fine;
- if i use IBOConsole Diagnose connection i can pass succesfully all
TCP/IP connection test (service 21, ftp, 3050, gds_db, ping) but when
i try DB Connection test (with TCP/IP) the result are:

Error - ISC ERROR CODE:335544721

Unable to complete network request to host "IDEA".
Failed to establish a connection.
Impossibile stabilire la connessione. Rifiuto persistente del
computer di destinazione.

InterBase Communication Test Failed!

- the DB Connection test with NetBeui pass succesfully:
Attempting to connect to:
Version : WI-V6.2.972 Firebird 1.0.3

Attaching ... Passed!
Detaching ... Passed!

InterBase Communication Test Passed!

Someone can help me?

Enrico Raviglione.