Subject Re: AW: [firebird-support] Firebird dbExpress driver from
Author Thomas Miller
The framework itself is wonderful. It is the right way to go.
Unfortunately it is only about
80% complete. The drivers from Borland that rely on the framework are
even worse.
Their are lots of third party drivers that work well. So if you don't
mind purchasing
a third party driver, then dbExpress works more then adequate and is
just going to
get better.


>Maybe considered offtopic here.
>But are you facing any problems with DBExpress itself.
>The newsgroups in Borland seemed to be filled with grumbling about DBExpress.
>Are you using DBExpress + upscene driver + Firebird in large applications succesfully.

Thomas Miller
Delphi Client/Server Certified Developer
BSS Accounting & Distribution Software
BSS Enterprise Accounting FrameWork