Subject | Re: [firebird-support] Novell Support |
Author | Martijn Tonies |
Post date | 2003-08-12T17:27:41Z |
UDFs aren't supported on Novell (in older version of IB) anyway.
With regards,
Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - the developer tool for InterBase & Firebird
Upscene Productions
> Novell 5.1. I think I can convince the customer (very small site - 3 PCs)windows
> to use TCP/IP on a peer-to-peer and he is talking about purchasing a
> server.curve.
> I would love to start using Linux but have just started the learning
> I also rely heavily on FreeUDFLib (however I think there is a Linuxport?).
UDFs aren't supported on Novell (in older version of IB) anyway.
With regards,
Martijn Tonies
Database Workbench - the developer tool for InterBase & Firebird
Upscene Productions