Subject Re: Can not start sweep thread
Author skotaylor
--- In, "Ivan Prenosil"
<Ivan.Prenosil@s...> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Scott Taylor" <scott@d...>
> > My /opt/interbase/interbase.log file is filling up with this error
> >
> > intrbase (Server) Sun Jul 6 17:04:02 2003
> > Database: /opt/planning/disp/dispatch.gdb
> > cannot start sweep thread (0)
> >
> > I can't find any reference to it in the documentation. Actually,
the docs
> > I have says, "Refer to the Language Reference for a list of error
> > that can appear in this file." A search of LangRef.pdf for
occurrence of
> > "interbase.log" returns not found. Maybe I need new docs?
> >
> > Can anyone tell me what this means and how I should go about to
fix it?
> > Running FirebirdSS.- on Linux 2.4.7
> Looks like you are short of some resources.


I think you are right. It appears the Firebird installation does not
include /opt/interbase/tmp

What I gather from this line:
#TMP_DIRECTORY 20000 "/opt/interbase/tmp"
in the isc_config file, the directory is needed.

Anyway, I created the tmp directory and sweep runs fine now. (in case
anyone else runs into this problem)
