Subject Query tuning help
Author C Fraser
Hi all,

I have a query that executes with adequate speed, but as soon as I add
an and to the where clause, things go down hill real fast...

Query is simplified as below:

from A_Table1 Table1
inner join A_Table2 Table2 on Table1.ForeignKey2 = Table2.PrimaryKey
inner join A_Table3 Table3 on Table1.ForeignKey3 = Table3.PrimaryKey
inner join A_Table4 Table4 on Table3.ForeignKey2 = Table4.PrimaryKey
((Table1.ForeignKey2 = 962) and (Table1.Status = 8) and
(Table4.ForeignKey1 = 170))

Now this plan uses no Natural scans, does a couple thousand indexed
reads and returns fairly quick...

But what I want is:
Where (((Table1.ForeignKey2 >= 962) or (Table1.ForiegnKey2 <= 973))
and (Table1.Status = 8) and (Table4.ForeignKey1 = 170))

As soon as I add this it puts in a Natural Scan and takes hours....

I have tried various combninations of where clauses, using IN, using
lots of Ors instead of the > and < but nothing seems to work. Running
the query manually 12 times, changing the where clause each time takes a
lot less time than adding to the where clause (including me doing the

I have seen this same problem several times and have not come up with
the answer... The Optimiser doesn't seem to be optimising...

If anyone could point me in the right direction, I would be greatly


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