Subject interbase.log (REPOST)
Author Juan Pedro López Sáez
Hello everybody,

I have installed FirebirdSS- on a Linux Debian Machine
from the tar binary distribution.

Whan I start up the server, doing "/etc/init.d/firebird start" from a
root console, I get the following message:

Starting Firebird Server: check $INTERBASE/interbase.log for errors can
not start server.

The check message is shown a few seconds after starting the server. The
interbase.log file look like this:

sirio (Client) Tue Jul 8 12:07:46 2003
INET/inet_error: connect errno = 111

sirio (Client) Tue Jul 8 12:07:46 2003
/opt/interbase/bin/ibguard: guardian starting bin/ibserver

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:07:48 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:07:48 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:07:48 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

... many repeated lines ...

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:07:57 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:07:57 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:07:57 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for firebird

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:08:23 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for root

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:08:23 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for root

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:08:23 2003
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for root

Apparently, the server is started up correcly because "ps aux" shows one
ibguard -f process and a few ibserver processes. I can create databases
and connect to them, so everything seems to be working ok.

Should I be aware about the log file errors?

Another question. During normal server operation, interbase.log file is
fullfilled with the following lines:

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 12:38:47 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 104

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 13:28:48 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 104

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 13:28:48 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 104

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 14:02:09 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 104

sirio (Server) Tue Jul 8 14:02:09 2003
INET/inet_error: read errno = 104

This goes on continously, with one or two new lines inserted per hour. A
database java client application is running on the Firebird server
machine and I haven't found any errors at all in its execution. It uses
Jaybird driver to access the database.

On Unix like machines, errno 104 means connection reset by peer. Client
application closes database connections, but in a normal way, using the
apropiate driver methods. Why is this error reported to the log file?
Does it mean that something is wrong?

Thank you very much in advance.

Juan Pedro
Juan Pedro López Sáez