Subject Re: [firebird-support] Newbie Question: Is Firebird SQL really this weird or am I missing something?
Author Ian Berthon
Helen Borrie wrote:

>At 12:51 PM 13/07/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>The only (minor) gripe I have is that the SHOW TABLES command in isql
>>doesn't include the quotes around a table name if the table was created
>>with them (my original post contains an example of this). I won't get
>>burned by this again but I can't help wondering if this is a bug or by
>It's not a bug. If you defined an object with quoted identifiers, ISQL
>does show you the object in the case that you defined for it.
>If you define an object in all-uppercase, with quoted identifiers, you can
>refer to it in SQL without the identifiers. You can test this for yourself
>with ISQL. If your first table was defined with qi and named "test" then
>you can define another table named "TEST". When you do SHOW TABLES, you
>will see
> test
>select * from test ---> error (table does not exist)
>select * from "test" ---> OK
>select * from "TEST" ---> ok
>select * from TEST ---> OK
>iow, if you see an object containing lowercase characters, then case
>matters and you have to quote the identifier. Any object in all caps, it's
>optional to quote, as long as you stick to all caps.
Thanks for clarifying. Guess it's caps-lock:on from now on when using
ISQL :-)