Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Returning values from stored procedure
Author Helen Borrie
At 04:14 PM 12/07/2003 +0200, you wrote:

>Another thing. Helen wrote:
> > create procedure dosomething (<input-list)
> > /* __EITHER__ make a returns-list if you want to output a set */
> > returns (var1 sometype, var2 othertype, var3 anothertype, var5 sometype)
> >
> > AS
> >
> > /* __OR__ declare local variables to execute STUF on the server */
> > declare variable var1 sometype;
> > declare variable var2 othertype;
> > ...etc.....
>This surprised me because it looked as if she said categorically you
>have to choose between a returns-list and local variables. I don't
>think she really meant that (maybe the caps made it look extra heavy
>;-)), but just to make sure you don't get the wrong impression:

Paul, only in the context of the question - emphasis to make it clear that
you don't put the selected values into return parameters for working on
them within the procedure. Notice that I did recommend that this guy
should RTFM.
