Subject linux - superserver - configuration
Author mikaelderrien

i wanted to install Firebird Superserver ; my OS is a Linux SuSE 8.2
pro (kernel 2.4.20).
i've download firebird.super.1.5.rc3.tar.bz2 and followed most of
the instructions written in the HowToInstallSuperServer.txt ; but
everything goes out of control when executing the
can anyone help me and tell how to register firebird and start it ?

issues :
- in
/etc/rc.d/init.d directory is out of date
chkconfig -a firebird sends me 'unknown service, not a runlevel
- in firebird.initd
source function library 'functions' dosn't exist

moreover, rc.d and init.d are both subdirectories of /etc with rc.d
pointing on init.d
i've read a lot of docs, from the ibphoenix qsg to everything about
troubleshooting and installation explanations but i can't make the
FB superserver run.

I use it very without problem on winNT (RC4) and used too FB classic
without a problem

thanks for any help