Subject RE: [firebird-support] IBOconsole
Author Paul Vinkenoog
Hi all,

> > > InterBase 7 is ODS 11 and Firebird 2 will probably be ODS 12.
> Helen, we talked about this at Fulda...
> We don't want to be anywhere near the IB ODS numbers -- there can't
> be 2 engines which have 2 different definitions of ODS 12 -- would
> result in the equivalent to your "ambulance at bottom of cliff"
> analogy for running with Forced Writes = OFF on Win32.
> > Actually, 200 might be a better choice.
> While I think 200 is a little over kill, anything above 50 is fine
> by me -- that way we have more room before needing to change the ODS
> to an int.

Maybe 128 and up would be nice, making bit 7 the "Firebird flag". You
could even start at 139 = "Firebird ODS 11".

OK, I confess: I'm a sucker for bitflags and masks :-)

Paul Vinkenoog