Subject How to start firebird 1.5 server on windows - for those who don't know how
Author Calin Iancu Pirtea
On Windows 9x:
Start a command prompt then go to the firebird directory and execute:
firebird.exe -a
This will start firebird server as an application.
If you want use this command in a shortcut and put it in Startup folder.

On Windows NT(up to XP):
If you want to run it as an application then it's like on Windows 9x.
If you want it as a service then you have 2 options:
1) Start with Guardian:
Start a command prompt then go to the firebird directory and execute:
instsvc start
net start firebirdguardian

2) Start without Guardian:
Start a command prompt then go to the firebird directory and execute:
net start firebirdserver

Be carefull: If you install using instsvc install "path" then the guardian
will not be available.

Maybe the InstallNotes.txt should use -g option on install or at
least -auto?


Best regards,
Application Developer
Calin Iancu, Pirtea
S.C. SoftScape S.R.L.