Subject Another way to do FBEmbed + FBClient
Author Steve Summers
> What I would really like is this:

> ./configure wold have three embedded options, --with-no-client
> --with-remote-client and --with-separate-client. ...
> Then the developer/builder can decide what is best for their own
> situation, or software.

Maybe a better way to do what you want is to use the idea they've
implemented with GDS32.dll.

Instead of having FBEmbed.dll contain FBClient.dll, why not have
FBClient.dll have a third kind of "connection string" that lets it either
connect to FBClient, or a local server, or a remote server? That way, if
you really want the simplest possible solution, you can connect directly to
FBEmbed. Otherwise, you can connect to the normal client, but have IT
connect to FBEmbed if you tell it to use a local file.