Subject Running FB 1.5 and 1.0
Author Evelyne Girard
Hi, I am not sure if it belongs to this group or Dev group... please notify
me if it's the latter.

My server is FB 1.0.2

I installed FB Server 1.5 RC1 on my computer to test it before installing it
on the server.

Now, (because of the new gds32.dll) I have some access violations and other
error messages when I do some operations (it's intermittent) on both servers
(even on the 1.5 wich is weird). I have 2 questions :

1) Isn't gds32.dll supposed to be backward compatible ? I thought I had
read so but can't find it anymore.

2a) If so ... then what could be the problem ? I suppose I should then ask
Dev group.

2b) If not, I know I can change the port for the services to run FB 1.0 and
FB 1.5 at the same time, but I don't know how I can notify my Client
Application that it should use one gds32.dll or another (and then ... wich
one should be in the System folder and where would the other go ?).

