Subject Re: integer division
Author ronaldorezende
And if I want an exact division?

ex: 2.25 / 2 = 1.125

--- In, "Thomas Steinmaurer" <ts@i...>
> > How can I make an integer division in sql or stored procedure?
> Simply by using the division operator '\'?
> If you have two integers, then the result will automatically
> be an integer too. For example:
> select 5 / 4 from rdb$database
> If the numerator or the denominator isn't an integer, and you
> still want an integer as result, then CAST the non integer
> value before doing the division. For example:
> select cast(5.00 as integer) / 4 from rdb$database
> Or in a dialect 3 database, you may use NUMERIC(18,0) for
> a huge number, because this is internally mapped to an 64
> bit integer.
> For example:
> select cast(2342352352353255.00 as numeric(18,0)) / 4
> from rdb$database
> Regards,
> Thomas Steinmaurer