Subject Error 10054
Author wackoj123
Hi all,

I have defined some views on my IB6.5 database, which I can "SELECT
* FROM MyViews" without problems using IBConsole.

Now, I need to use these views from a Delphi 6.02 application; I am
using IBObjects 4.2Ib:

- I have a TIBODatabase set up to my IB6.5 database.
- I have a TIBOQuery and connected the DatabaseName property to the

I have the following code snippit which is run for each of the views:

IBOQuery1.SQL.Add('SELECT * FROM MyView');
.. do some processing with the resulting dataset

This snippit is called 13 times with different views (in a method;
the view and some data needed for processing the resulting dataset
are passed as parameters). The queries behind the views take between
5 to 30 seconds to complete. In the processing, we flush the data to

Now to the problem: every now and then (but not each time!) the
connection to the database seems to get lost and the application
causes an exception. The interbase.log file on the client PC then
contains error 10054's:

POLARIS (Client) Fri Mar 21 16:47:25 2003
INET/inet_error: send errno = 10054

POLARIS (Client) Fri Mar 21 16:47:25 2003
INET/inet_error: send errno = 10054

POLARIS (Client) Fri Mar 21 16:47:25 2003
REMOTE INTERFACE/gds__detach: Unsuccesful detach from
Uncommitted work may have been lost

POLARIS (Client) Fri Mar 21 16:47:25 2003
INET/inet_error: send errno = 10054

I have found references to the error code, stating that a reboot of
the server should fix the problem, but after a reboot the error
surfaces again after a while.

The thing is that other applications (clients) also get an
error "connection lost", and in the log file on the server I find
that the guardian has restarted the server.

Another post on the web mentioned that the 10054 error was related
to network problems, but we have just moved to a new building where
our CAT5e cabling was certified and our servers all have new 3Com
adapters, so I doubt if there are any network problems.

From the posts I have found on the Internet I know there are many of
you out there who have seen this error as well, but is there anyone
out there who has a solution (that works) to this problem?

Thanks in advance,
