Subject Re: General Multi-User Architecture Question
Author Gary
Helen, again... excellent! Thanks very much! -Gary

--- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...> wrote:
> At 11:38 PM 19/03/2003 +0000, you wrote:
> >As you correctly point out, the app will have to load across the
> >every time it is loaded. The problem I have with that is our target
> >environment: a mix of 100 MBps, 10 Mbps and WAN. The WAN can be as
> >slow as dial-up. So loading the app across the WAN will simply not
> >a workable solution.
> Not just that: WAN clients via dialup won't be a "goer" with
> client/server, except possibly for occasional one-way traffic (e.g.
> peform a daily batch upload, download, replication, etc.) Without
> tunnelling, it's also inherently insecure. For interactive WAN
> n-tier is the only workable option.
> heLen