Subject Re: [IBO] Stored procedure problem
Author Don Gollahon
Sorry I didn't respond to this earlier. Maybe you saw my posts in
ib-support which explain some of what we do. We import/delete hundreds of
thousands of records per week, millions per month. They are phone calls for
over 30 telephone companies. Each company has it's own datbase in which we
keep 2 to 3 months of data at a time. These databases are currently spread
across 3 servers. The largest database is at about 6 GB. Most are 3 to 5
GB. Rather than user entry and processing we do mostly batch processing
which is far more intensive. Firebird databases get corrupt too easily or
kick-in sweeps or something which locks out all other processing/attaching
to the databases. It also only uses one processor. We have struggled with
it since IB was first open-sourced and have improved things somewhat but
still not to our satisfaction.

"Svein Erling Tysvaer" <svein.erling.tysvaer@...> wrote in
message news:<[]>...
> Don,
> At 17:23 11.02.2003 -0600, you wrote:
> >BTW: I have mentioned your IBO to my managers but we probably won't use
> >since we may switch to DBISAM instead of Firebird. The type of
> >we do isn't working well with Firebird/InterBase.
> I'm just curious as to what kind of processing isn't working well with
> Fb/IB? I think knowing the weakness of a product is as important as
> its strength.