Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: IN clause, limitation to 1550 items
Author Didier
develop111 wrote:
> --- In, Paul Schmidt <pschmidt@i...>
> wrote:
>>On March 15, 2003 03:35 pm, develop111 wrote:
>>>I'm currently using IB 6 OpenSoucre version with my Delphi
> programs.
>>>I'm planning to migrate to Firebird in a near future. A
> limitation
>>>with IB 6 is that I cannot have more than 1500 items within
> the "IN"
>>>clause in a query.
>>>PRODUCT2, ...)
>>>Is this limitation is the same with Firebird ?
> Thank you for all answers. I will try to find a new way to do that.
> However, the problem is that I'm using a report generator and I
> don't have the source and full control on it.
> So, it's for this reason I need to use an IN clause with the report
> generator to filter only on specific products. Also, another problem
> is since users don't necessary have access to all products (it
> depends on their security level) it complicate things.
I believe those are two strong reason for you to create a table where
you list only the codes your user can see and only those ones. You
populate that table before running your report & add this table to the

I believe this should do nicely what you need. On top of that, it should
be really fast, as SQL engines are good at joining data sets.

just my 0.02 EUR


> Thanks again for all answers.
> Best regards
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