Subject Re: [ib-support] Strange things happen to SP Parameter
Author German Terrazas
you should use trim function before insertion.

On Fri, 7 Mar 2003, Andreas Schmidt wrote:

> Hi all,
> I use the latest stable Firebird release with Delphi 5 Pro. and the FIBPlus
> Components. In my Database there are several Stored Procedures. Some of them
> have about 20 Parameter of different types like INTEGER or VARCHAR. Most of
> the VARCHAR-Parameter have a length of about 100 to 255 charachters and I
> use UNICODE_FSS characterset.
> Now to my problem:
> After I´ve changed a SP or did something else in the DB with
> Firebird-Workbench or EMS Firebird Manager the length of my VARCHAR and CHAR
> Parameters is changing itself!!! E.g NAME VARCHAR(200) gets to NAME
> VARCHAR(765) after I commit the changes to the SP. This stops only when
> Firebird says: '...implementation limit exceded...' and my Parameter have a
> length of about 3000 charachters!!!!!.
> What´s going on? Is this a bug or a wrong DB Design on my side? Are the SP
> Parameter limited?
> Please help me!!!!!!
> (Sorry for my maybe bad english!!!:-))
> Andy
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