Subject RE: [ib-support] Problem with Firebird/gbak on Linux
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
Hi Andrew,

> I am running Firebird 64io on SuSE 7.3. I was running
> Firebird before I upgraded.
> My problem is this
> gbak -c -p 8192 -se service_mgr <gbk> <gdb> -user ... -pass ....
> returns this
> gbak: ERROR: Unable to complete network request to host "localhost".
> gbak: ERROR: Error reading data from the connection.
> gbak: Exiting before completion due to errors
> this used to work before the upgrade. If I change the command to
> gbak -c -p 8192 <gbk> <gdb> -user ... -pass ....
> it works, but very slowly.
> Any ideas???

This is a known and confirmed problem with Firebird 1.0.2.

Paul Reeves from IBPhoenix had a look on that and AFAIK
(by watching the firebird-checkins list) a fix/workaround
has been checked in, so this will be included in the next
v1.0.x maintenance release.

Thomas Steinmaurer
IB LogManager 2.1 - The Logging/Auditing Tool for InterBase and Firebird