Subject RE: [ib-support] Firebird Client (or is there a FAQ to deal withthis?)
Author Cassandra Harley
Thankyou, you are very encouraging.

I do absolutely agree with you, I much prefer to code by hand first.
Then when I have finished I will know what metadata is!!! (..I recall
learnig about it a univerisity).
However so many people are continually trying to dissuade me (ie..use all
these wonderful tools).
I am sure it is a personal thing, but I need to know what is going on behind
the tool before using it.

I have downloaded the Phoenix Firebird '' so I think I shall have
some bedtime reading. And thankyou for making me feel at ease about asking
on this list, I get so much more out of 'picking someones brain'.., so to
speak (at least having such conversations supplement lots of other research.

I am sure I will be heard from much more

-----Original Message-----
From: William L. Thomson Jr. [mailto:support@...]
Sent: Saturday, 8 February 2003 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: [ib-support] Firebird Client (or is there a FAQ to deal


On Fri, 2003-02-07 at 01:39, benno wrote:
> I don't know where you downloaded your copy op Firebird, but check the
> IBPhoenix site, There is a lot of info there. Also try
> get the manuals of Interbase (I believe you can find beta PDF at the
> site as well.

I agree with Benno regarding IBPhoenix as a great IB/Fb resource.
Here is a link to the docs that were mentioned.

Tons of knowledge in them, especially for beginners. That's where I

> As to getting started with a database, you need a script to create a
> database. Personally I use a tool called Dezign to do that
> ( You can draw your ERD, Dezign will create the script.
> is just easy, but you can also create your scripts using notepad or other
> tools.

While I like and use tools myself, I did not start out that way. Well I
did use IBConsole, but my first db's and tables were created by hand
typing the meta data. Which I highly recommend in the beginning. Before
using a tool to generate the meta data for you.

Once you have an understanding of what's going on then start to migrate
to functionality in the tools to save time. So do use a tool, but start
with using it's SQL window and create the data and tables by hand typing
the meta data.

> Just check out IBPhoenix to find more info.

Or ask this list when you have questions. There are tons of very nice
and intelligent people lurking around this group/list. Most are more
than happy to help out.

William L. Thomson Jr.
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