Subject Re: [ib-support] InstallShield with Interbase
Author Ernesto Cullen
For the first part, you are right: you don't need to include the BDE at
For IB/FB installation, I found it easier to use precompiled modules,
which you can download from
Just add the desired modules to the corresponding features of your
installer, and build!

Ernesto Cullen

----- Original Message -----
From: <ibpomelez@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: [ib-support] InstallShield with Interbase

> Hello I have developed a client/server application using only IBX
> components. I'm going to make an installation program with
> InstallShied. I think that I don't need to include in the
> installation program te Borland Database Engine. Am I right? Another
> question that I have is: I need to install Interbase on every client
> terminal. How can I do this? Do I need to use the TIBInstall
> component? How can I use this component with the installation program
> created with the InstallShield?
> Thank you.