Subject RE: [firebird-support] Oracle vs Firebird Technical Comparison
Author Alan McDonald
> One of our prospective has asked me to compare Firebird with Oracle.
> Our Competitors have come with Oracle based product and we are
> having Delphi+Firebird Product. The project, which we are fighting for,
> has estimated data volume 500 MB to 1 GB and will have dedicated
> Unix/Linux/W2k sever with 15 Nodes in a LAN later it will be
> ported to web server in one or two years after building complete
> data.
> Any readymade comparison ? to which I can add some points
> concerned to the project and submit and win the race.
> Best Regards
> R. S. Patil

Any ready-made comparison will suffer bias unfortunately.
Some real considerations which are quite objective:
Upfront Cost
On-going Costs
(Firebird leaves Oracle in the dust here)

Total data volume is of no consequence to either platform
(that can be stated in a way which makes Firebird a clear winner given the

It will depend on what connection components you choose to use... IBO
against Firebird would win hands down against ODBC/dbexpress against Oracle
And what client environment is slated for the Oracle frontend? What about
ongoing costs in this regard?
