Subject helen,can you help me?
----- 转发邮件来自 ojinyang <ejinyang@...> -----
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 06:20:19 -0000
From: ojinyang <ejinyang@...>
Subject: [firebird-support] How to define database error?

My Firebird1.0's db may have some errors every some course.
I gathered six bad db's file and got that info after validate the
database by IBExpert(use the 'validate database' and 'validate full'
That info is:
1.Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements.
database file appears corrupt().
bad checksum.
checksum error on database page 11136.
2.Summary of validation errors
Number of record level errors : 1
3.Summary of validation errors
Number of index page errors : 8
Number of database page errors : 13
4.Summary of validation errors
Number of data page errors : 1
Number of index page errors : 6
Number of database page errors : 1
5.Unsuccessful execution caused by a system error that precludes
successful execution of subsequent statements.
database file appears corrupt().
bad checksum.
checksum error on database page 6620.
6.Summary of validation errors
Number of record level errors : 2
The six db's 'forced writes' is checked.The six db was found bad
until the db can't be accessed.It had a rule:the bad portion of db
was the same table.That table was accessed in high frequency.
I konw I can use backuop and restore to solve it,but I want to know
why it happened,how can I define it?
Can someone tell me that errors's mean and level.

Please help me.


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