Subject Re: [firebird-support] charset question
Author James

Ivan Prenosil wrote:

>>I have an existing field in a table that its charset is set none. This
>>field is use for input chinese characters or alphanumeric character.
>>What will happen if I change this field charset to GB_2312? What will
>>happen to the chinese characters in it?
>I do not think you will see any difference (i.e. if the field is charset None
>and you connect to the database using charset None, Firebird will not make
>any checks or transliteration - you will retrieve exactly the same data
>as you stored there (except of padding of fixed-length=CHAR fields).
>The same should apply to case of GB_2312 field and using GB_2312
>as connection character set.)
>Do those Chinese Windows also use GB_2312 charset ?
Sorry if this is a bit out of topic... Yes I think Chinese windows use
GB_2312. Its a simplified chinese windows version.

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "James" <james_027@...>
>Subject: [firebird-support] charset question
>>I have an existing field in a table that its charset is set none. This
>>field is use for input chinese characters or alphanumeric character.
>>What will happen if I change this field charset to GB_2312? What will
>>happen to the chinese characters in it?
>>Any chinese programmer here? I have a application where in the user
>>input chinese character, after that the application could export it to
>>excel. I using NJ Star Communicator to input/view chinese character.
>>Everthing works fine under english windows enviroment until one day the
>>excel file produce by the application can not be very correctly under
>>chinese windows. The chinese characters where like garbage characters
>>instead. Why? Has the charset has something to do with this?
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