Subject Re: Can't backup/cleanup DB
Author chumlyii
But I will still need to clean up the 17 million deleted records.


--- In, "Martijn Tonies"
<m.tonies@u...> wrote:
> Hi Barry,
> > I have inherited a database that was not maintained for some time.
> > Unfortunately the designer also designed it to create a huge
> > of uneeded audit records (18 million records). The single file
DB is
> > approching 3.7gig and is about to run out of room.
> >
> > 3 weeks ago I was able to backup the entire DB.
> >
> > I then deleted the offending 18M rows
> >
> > I then tried to do a backup and the process ran for nearly 48
> > before I had to kill it. The CPU usage goes straight to 100% and
> > stays there. I finaly had to kill it because the customer needed
> > print from this machine (another great idea by someone to put the
> > print que's for the site on this machine).
> If you want to create a backup "just" for a restore, turn OFF
> "garbage collection" when doing the backup.
> With regards,
> Martijn Tonies
> Database Workbench - developer tool for InterBase, Firebird, MySQL
> Server.
> Upscene Productions