Subject RE: [firebird-support] Who's guilty?
Author Alan McDonald
> I'm running a quite big (over 1GB) database. There are several
> programs and more than 100 users connected to that DB.
> My problem is the database started to work really, really slow (%
> processor usage maxed out throughout the day)
> This obviously looks like an unoptimized query got through to one of
> the client programs (I am doing a large refactoring of the programs
> recently)
> My question is: are there any ways to identify what user or query is
> hammering an Interbase DB down? I mean *anything* that could give
> even a slightest trace. Users are totally upset with the performance
> and I'm stuck. Help! :-)))
> Thanks,
> Marcin

100+ simultaneous connections, no middleware... I would have thought this is
testing the limits anyway.. is it win or *nix? is it SS or classic?
