Subject NUMERIC(18,3) or NUMERIC(18,up to 6) for money?
Author David Garamond
Browsing the archives, I've read some people suggesting NUMERIC(18,4) or
even NUMERIC(18,6) for storing currency amounts. Assuming the currency
unit/code (USD, CAD, etc) will be stored in an accompanying field, and
thus money amount will be recorded in their natural currency, what are
the reasons to use more than 3 decimal places? Especially since 12
digits are sometimes inadequate for low-value currencies like Italian
Lira, Korean Won, or Indonesian Rupiah. (Note, this is for storing money
amounts, not for currency rates -- which *does* need 6 decimal places at
times, e.g. 1 IDR = 0.000118 USD.)

On the other hand, why do some people avoid NUMERIC(18,2)? Are tenth of
cents usually encountered often in practice? Or will there be rounding
problems when using only 2 decimal places?

Opinions/experience sharing appreciated,
