Subject Install script for Linux
Author Dixon Epperson
I'm new to Linux, but I am trying to install FB1.5 RC7 build 4027 onto
Redhat v9.

I am logged in as root. I downloaded the
Firebird- to a new folder I created in the root
named firebird. I extracted it to this same folder which gave me the
Readme file, and data-1.5.tar.gz

if I run the install script at this point, it creates the firebird
folder in the opt folder but nothing else is installed.

so I go back to /firebird/ and extract data-1.5.tar.gz.

it creates a data folder in firebird and extracts all the files into
this data folder.

I run the install script again.
choosing 1 for SS
y for examples
y for libraries
y for documentation
y for additional tools
y to run Firebird server as root

but it still doesn't install. what am I doing wrong?