Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: FireBird 1.5 Benchmark
Author Olivier Mascia

On Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:31:38 -0000,
Alfred Seetoh wrote :

> Forced Writes are enabled for both databases. However I do notice
> some differences between the 2 of them.
> Config FB 1.0 FB 1.5
> ====== ====== ======
> Page Size 8192 1024
> ODS Version 10.0 10.1
> Buffers KB 16384 2048
> Could the difference page size and buffers cause the difference in
> speed?

Of course.
Your FB 1.5 uses a smaller page size.
That can impact performance, depending on the mix of operations, size
of records, index keys, and so on. Also Win32 OSes like WinNT, Win2K,
WinXP on 32 bits computers have a virtual memory page size of 4 KB. As
at the lowest level in the OS all disk IO is based on the virtual
memory subsystem, the natural unit of IO (at the OS level - not
hardware) is 4 KB. This is why I never create any FB Database on Win32
with a page size smaller than 4 KB. Using a NTFS file system with 4 KB
clusters can be valuable too. But I'm getting off topic now.

Recreate your FB 1.5 database, using a 8 Kb page size, to be fair.
And test again.

Your number of page buffers is set to 2048 pages in both cases.
Which gives you 16384 KB for the 8 KB page size, and 2048 KB for the 1
KB page size. Nothing abnormal here.

Best Regards,
Olivier Mascia