Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: choosing database
Author Helen Borrie
At 06:14 AM 16/11/2003 +0000, you wrote:

>Database security is limited to how far you trust your

Database *file* security, true. Provided you have a bombproof way to
prevent someone stealing the database files, then it's up to the SYSDBA to
secure the data stored inside. Permissions and roles.

>For instance the DBA (database administrator )
>have access to the complete database, which also
>includes your application developers.

True, you can't protect the data from the person who has SYSDBA access. If
that includes the developers, the "more fool The Boss". Developers don't
need SYSDBA access.

>The only person who doesn't have access is the low
>paid office stig you hired to do some minial duties
>during the course of running your business.

It sounds as if your environment has a pretty lousy security design.
