Subject Re: choosing database
Author Svein Erling
--- In, Adrián Deccico wrote:
> Hi, my name is Adrián Deccico form Argentina.

Welcome, Adrián!

> In the next days I must develop a system for hospitals with 1 to 100
> concurrent clients that will manage medical data. I am thinking in
> IB or Firebird and I´m searching info and also hoping you could give
> me your expert advice choosing the correct database with the correct
> connection method.
> The security of the database it is a critical point. So it is really
> important to the data not to be edited out of the system.

Then make sure that no-one have physical access to your database
file(s). If anyone gets hold of the file(s), it is not very difficult
to get information out of the database. It is possible to access the
database without having direct access to the files, so this is good
advice anyway.

> Other important points are
> -level of support to the database, if the database only needs
> periodical backups it would be really good.

Some people install Firebird, and then just forget it is there. Though
when you do a backup, you better restore the backup (to another place)
afterwards to ascertain that the backup went OK (or use a different
backup tool, e.g. And
Firebird does require that you plan your indexes thoughtfully and
check your SQL (at least when talking about a considerable number of
records). I think it may also be wise to replace your file with a
restored database occationally if it is heavily used for
inserts/deletes/updates, but that is not something I know for sure
(I'm sure Alan or someone else will answer this point better).

> -I will develop it with C++ Builder what components for the
> connection should I use? I reading that IBX or DbExpress could be a
> good choice.

The best set of components are Interbase Objects (IBO, www.ibobjects.
com) which work with both Interbase and Firebird, though they do cost
a bit unless Jason grants a free license (read about his Trustware
concept, it is quite fair). IBX will not support features introduced
in Firebird and I suspect DbExpress is the same. Though there are
forks from IBX that support Firebird (I think).

As for whether you should choose Firebird og InterBase, well, both are
good products. Though I think InterBase is more keen on adding new
features, whereas Firebird wants to ascertain that things work
properly before adding them. Myself, I use Firebird and am very happy
about that choice.
