Subject Copy a record
Author Michael Vilhelmsen

Can I in a easy way copy an entire record in a table into another one
in the same table ?

I have a table with some user information in.
The first field is a unike machine ID.
The rest is some integer values.
So far I have some 35+ fields.
Every once in a while I add a field or delete a field from the record.

My user has the option to copy one machines settings to his settings.
I have written a SQL like:

Update MyTabel set (
MyF1 = :PMyF1,
MyF2 = :PMyF3,
MyF3 = :PMyF4
MachineID = :PMachineID

But everytime I add Or delete a field I have to remember to edit this
sql. Which I often forget !

So can I in an easy way update an entire record with values from one
record to another except 1 field ?
