Subject Re: Unicode Support
Author peter_jacobi.rm
Hi David,

--- In, dhay@l... wrote:
> Just a few more questions, if you don't mind:

In the moment I only mind, that I have to
brew fresh coffes :-)

> > Getting a middle layer involved (JDBC, ODBC or .NET) will give
> > you the choice of a wide character interface, AFAIK.
> Do you/anyone know if JDBC and ODBC drivers currently support unicode?

Please ask on the specialised lists, I cannot give
informed feedback.

> > 2. Using UTF-8 with 1..3 bytes/chars gives limits on field
> > sizes and index lengths only 1/3 of those using a plain
> > 8 bit charset.
> Do you know if these limits will be changed with an upcoming release?
> That's pretty restrictive

As far as I understood, the index length limits will
be raised.

Also note, that using a correct locale specific sort order,
will also limit the index lengths to 1/3 of binary sort order,
even for 8 bit character sets.

I better stop now, before I become even more confusing?

Perhaps you tell us more about the data you want to store
and we can then give better advise what to do?

Peter Jacobi