Subject Blob manipulation in SP
Author sllimr7139
I'm trying to figure out a way to do the following,

I've got a table with 100+ rows, each row has a blob field (sub_type 1).
I want to be able to call a stored proc with the following params

someproc('append this text to the blob','1,3,10,23,15')

and have it append the text to the blob field for the rows that have
the matching PK in the second param.

My attempts to find anything even remotely similar have turned up nothing.

My attempted SP code lookes like this:


create procedure updateugly(uglycomment BLOB sub_type 1 segment size
512, uglyids varchar(2048))
Declare variable memoblob BLOB sub_type 1 segment size 512;
Declare variable blobid integer;
for select uglyid, uglyblob from uglytable where uglyid in
(:uglyids) into :blobid, :memoblob
update uglytable set (uglyblob = memoblob+uglycomment) where



Now I know this doesn't even compile at this time. Any suggestions as
to how I would get this to work?

I would *rather not* have to go to a UDF solution if possible. I will
if I have to.
