Subject Rép. : Re: [firebird-support] Embedded server and network drives
Author Maciek BOROWKA
Me too, I do like the idea of being able to put my embeded firebird
database on any disc - shared or local. As far as the problem of locks
goes, I think a big warning before the option (disabled by default)
in the config file should be ok.
After all, why should we forbid someone to be stupid? Especially that for now,
the behaviour of Firebird is not consistent (as far as I understand): it works with
NFS, so why it doesn't with SMB... And what about Novell shares?


>>> nandod@... 16/10/03 10h11 >>>
just so you don't think you're crazy <g>, I for one second your opinion that the
filesystem abstraction should be usable without restrictions at least
by the embedded server. AFAIK Firebird does not skip the filesystem in
any case. The embedded server shouldn't care at all
about the location of the database file since it's the only process
using it.
I think a configuration setting surrounded by a BIG warning note would
be more than enough to let the embedded server open whatever file you
ask for.
IOW, if it's been done for NFS, it can be done for Windows shares.