Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: Firebird V1.5 RC6 on SUSE 8.2
Author Yves Glodt
On Saturday 04 October 2003 08:33, raid3868 wrote:
> --- In, Helen Borrie <helebor@t...>
> Thank for your reply,
> I am using Firebird for windows 2000 for about a year and i have
> about 20 server runing on firebird. Due to a lot of performance
> problem in windows 2000, my database size is about 5GB running
> firebird Superserver v1.0.3. In windows 2000 i can schedule backup
> using bat file to do backup and restore.
> I have some question and hope you can help me.
> How to schedule a backup and restore in linux?

To schedule it on a daily base, you have to add a line to your /etc/
crontab file, e.g.:

00 22 * * * root /opt/interbase/bin/gbak -b -v -user ...

This schedules evey day of the week at 22:00, and gbak is run with the
privileges of root. You might want to have it run as another user

You can read the crontab manual with "man 5 crontab".

> How to shutdown and restart firebird v1.5 when i change the
> firedird.conf file? ( What i do i restart the Linux OS )

As someone replied, with classic server this is not necessary.
As a general rule, you can control services with these commands:
(using apache as example)

/etc/init.d/apache command

and command can be: start, stop, restart and more.

have fun,

> Pls help me
> Tks/raid
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Linux 2.4.22-1-k7 #1 Sat Sep 6 02:13:04 EST 2003 i686
10:13:31 up 14 min, 1 user, load average: 0.24, 0.37, 0.28