Subject Re: [firebird-support] Strange network problem, a real puzzle
Author Aage Johansen
On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 21:10:23 +0000 (UTC), dr_bentonquest wrote:

> Network setup:
> One W2K Server, running FB 1.0 server
> Three client applications built with Delphi 7 and IBObjects running=20
> on W98 terminals, FB 1.0 client install. I'm using IBO's
> TDataset-compatible components.
> All four machines can connect to the database and execute *most*
> queries. However, on three of the four client apps, opening certain
> query freezes that computer to a point where ctrl-alt-del does not
> even work.
> The server and a fourth terminal *can* always execute the same query
> without any problem at all, though.
> Another symptom: if one client app is working fine (no freezes) and
> then a second terminal opens the =A1=A7offending=A1=A8 query, the first PC
> *seems* to hang, but after pushing the reset button on the second
> terminal, life returns to the first one and client app. returns to
> normal behavior. Note that server is unaffected even when one or more
> terminals are frozen.

This could be a long CPU intensive query 'hogging' the CPU. When
terminated it will 'release the CPU' and let other clients continue their
work. There is a monitor feature in IBO - maybe it can help you see what
is happening (joining large table without active (and helpful) indexes,

> And as I said before, there is this fourth terminal that can safely
> open the query all the time, just like the server can. Yesterday
> everything was fine on the network, problem came up this morning.

Strange, but are you sure the different clients are running the very same

> Here=A1=A6s what has been done so far:
> In the server:
> -Reboot
> -Uninstall/reinstall FB 1.0 server
> -Database sweep, backup and restore
> In the terminals:
> -Reboot
> -Uninstall/reinstall FB 1.0 server

A client doesn't need the server (but it shouldn't hurt) - the client
software will do.

Aage J.