Subject Suggestion for Interbase/Firebird security
Author Rusmin Noer

Since Interbase/Firebird have no security
on opening the database.
I mean everybody can open it with a SYSDBA password.
I have a solution's suggestion.

Let made 2 user and password files.

The first one, like the old one store in the ISC4.GDB.
The second one, put inside the user created database.

So, if a user create a new database
with JOHNDOE username and LOVEUS password
then it will have
JOHNDOE username and LOVEUS password
in the ISC4.GDB and also inside the new created database

After that,
if another guy use SYSDBA to open the NEW_GDB,
the database-engine will check if SYSDBA exists in the
NEWGDB internal user/password files,
if not -> he will be rejected.

Simple isn't it?

Any comment on my solutions.


Rusmin Noer