Subject Re: [ib-support] Re: Flagging a deletion rather than delete
Author Lauri Zoova
Didier Gasser-Morlay wrote:
> Yes, I agree this is the way to go but I was hoping to be able to mark
> the record as deleted in a before delete trigger event and somehow
> prevent the actual deletion from happening. That would save me to have
> to explain to others (there are quite a few different apps written by
> different teams using different tools dealing with the same DB) that
> to delete a record, you in fact have to update that field, they'll see
> that as a sort of twisted logic, even though it's not.
> So any pointer in that direction would help me a lot.

Maybe you could write an after delete trigger that re-inserts the record
with a deleted flag?
The downside appears when you actually want to delete a row :)
Well.. maybe not.. the trigger could check if the record is already
flagged 'D' and re-insert only the ones that are not.. hope that helps.
