Subject Re: Flagging a deletion rather than delete
Author Didier Gasser-Morlay <Didiergm@nordnet.f
> I use an ACTIVE boolean field in the table, which indicates whether the
> record should be considered deleted or not. We don't delete our deletes
> (if you see what I mean), we just make them inactive.

Yes, I agree this is the way to go but I was hoping to be able to mark
the record as deleted in a before delete trigger event and somehow
prevent the actual deletion from happening. That would save me to have
to explain to others (there are quite a few different apps written by
different teams using different tools dealing with the same DB) that
to delete a record, you in fact have to update that field, they'll see
that as a sort of twisted logic, even though it's not.

So any pointer in that direction would help me a lot.